So you’re probably wondering why a rainforest organisation is working on waterways…

The COVID-19 pandemic presented our organisation with the opportunity to do more in our base country as we couldn’t fly out to our original project zones.

As such, we turned our attention to how we could improve our local environment (here in Oxfordshire) using our conservation products, and that’s how we met “Crayfish Bob” from Crayaway!


Crayaway is an organisation that deals with the environmental problems caused by the rapid spread of the American signal crayfish through UK waters. Since its formation, not only has the organisation successfully raised public awareness of the issues caused by this species, but they have also removed many tonnes of American signal crayfish from English waters.

Bob is also responsible for the creation of the National Institute of Crayfish Trappers (NICT). The NICT aim to provide an environmentally sound legislative framework to support research and development, as well as to promote the trapping and consumption, of UK non-native crayfish as a control initiative to assist in the conservation of freshwater habitats and species.

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By sourcing the crayfish for our Wild Crayfish Kuli Kuli Dog Treats and Wild Crayfish Soil through them, we can lay down the foundation for our growing plans to add value to the UK’s wild places through the popularisation of British NTFPs and use of invasive species in the pet industry.

View the photos from our day of crayfishing with Bob here!